
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Good at heart.

some days, I have little faith in people and I just want to go home, crawl in bed with my baby and husband and snuggle together while watching a movie, or reading a book and forget the world outside of my little family exists.

some people just have no respect for others and it bothers me.

today, I went to the store for my break at work. as I was driving back to work, a lady pulled her van, full of children, right in front of me. I slammed on my breaks and avoided hitting her. I didn't honk, I didn't get upset, I was just grateful that I didn't run into her and ruin both of our days and injure her children.

then, the woman
with her children in the car.

some people.

as the rage and many thoughts towards this woman raged in my mind, I can across this quote:

“I still believe, 
in spite of everything, 
that people are really good at heart.”--Anne Frank

so okay, I'll try to forget about that lady and her extreme rudeness to me, and I'll try to think of her as a good person that doesn't give people the bird with her kids around. 

but I still want to go home and cuddle with my family and forget the world exists. 

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