
Thursday, December 12, 2013

3 and 4 months.

Since Smith is right between 3 and 4 months, I'm just going to merge the two because that makes more sense to me. I still can't believe that I have an almost 4  month old baby! Time has been pushing the fast forward button too often these days. Smith is the best, and favorite thing ever to happen to me and I'm so happy to be his momma.

> He loves bath time. The moment he hears the water running, he starts kicking and smiling. This means his baths are well over 30 minutes, or until the water gets cold. 
> He smiles all the time for Craig and I and he's starting to laugh a little more each day, which I love. 

> He's often mistaken as a 6 month old, which I think is funny. I mostly think this is funny because I love watching their reactions when I tell them that he is only 3 months old.
>He is very alert and has been since day one.Strangers compliment us all the time on how alert he is. This is probably why he's mistaken as a 6 month old

> He is a great sleeper! I am super blessed to have a great sleeper. I have several friends that comment on how terrible their baby sleeps and I can't imagine having that. I'm so grateful that I don't have to deal with that yet
>He hates his car seat.This is mostly because he can't see people. He loves seeing people and watching them, so when we put him in the car, he cries until I either sit back there with him, or we get out into a public place. We've installed a mirror in the car to help him, but he doesn't care about that

> He loves his puppies! He's getting to the point where he can recognize them and he's becoming more interested in them. Ellie will lick his fingers and she is super gentle around him. Chuck just loves having a snuggle buddy that is his size.
 > He's a great eater but only during the night. During the day he eats like a bird and has 2-4 oz. (maybe) a time but at night he has about 8 oz. or more. It's kinda nice to have it this way because then he sleeps better at night.

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