
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

nip it in the bud

Smith decided to get sick, which was loads of fun. We had the best week of staying home in bed, going to doctors, staying up all night with high fevers, etc.

All joking aside, it was miserable. It was my least favorite week of being a mom, but I also learned a lot. Win, lose situation I guess.

Wednesday started with a small cough, so I thought to myself, "Hey, be wonder woman and take you baby into the doctor today so you can nip that cough in the bud". So, I left work early and took him in. Our doctor marked it as a cold and a few remedies to help it. Off to Target I went to buy the things he recommended. He took a long bath, ate, and went to bed. I went to bed feeling like a million bucks and was about to buy myself a 'Worlds Best Mom' mug. 

[Fast forward to the next morning]

Smith woke up screaming. He's never woken up like this, so it startled me and I rushed into his room. I picked him up and he was burning up. I stripped him down to his diaper, took his temp. and held him to calm him down. His temp was at 100.5. He didn't want to be put down and I didn't want to leave him with our sitter like this, so I called in sick.

For the next 3 days, his temp. was up, then down, up, then down. It was awful to see a baby be happy, to screaming the next. The highest his temp. got was 101.8. Luckily, our doctor was able to take every phone call I made to his office (I love our doctor so very much). He reassured me that I was doing everything right and gave me a few more tips to make him comfortable. There isn't much you can do for a 5 mo. old baby that is sick, unfortunately.

Thursday night was the worst. He wanted to be held. all. night. long. I sat in bed with him, watching 2AM television with a fan beating on us and cold rags on his chest and head to keep that temp. down. I didn't sleep at all that night because I was so worried about him. He would wake up crying, then he would zone off, and he would crash again.

It was a roller-coaster of a weekend for me as a first time mom. I don't know if I can handle a sick baby again, but I know it will happen. At least I can prepare myself, right?


  1. In spite of what a challenge that sounds like, at least you look super fly in that picture.

    But seriously, way to be a mom!
