
Wednesday, October 15, 2014


i'll never get over the beauty of fall. there is something so tranquil about it even if i know that winter is coming.

lately, i've been thinking a lot about success and how it's measured by others. i don't like that some people base your success of your job title and how much money you make. even if you work at a fast food restaurant making more than enough to live off of, someone may not think you're successful because of the job you have.  but if someone works as a supervisor, manager, CEO, CFO etc., you're deemed as successful, even though that person may had loads of debt they can't afford.

i consider myself successful. not as successful as i would like to be, but i'm getting ahead of myself. i have a great job, a house, a good husband, a child, and great friends and family. however, some people that know us don't consider us "successful" because i basically work in a call center and i'm not able to stay at home with our baby. i hate that our success if based off these two things. it doesn't matter to some people that we do have a house and we can pay our bills and this really, really bothers me. i want others to see my success and not base an opinion based on the little things.

i hope that i'm not judging others based off what they have and don't have. everyone is happy in their own way and with whatever they have or don't have. i've seem extremely happy families with much less than i have and other families that seem to have everything be miserable. i think that we all just need to find what makes us happy and stick with it. i need to stop worrying about what other people's opinions are of me, even though that is always easier said than done.

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