
Friday, October 3, 2014

a boy & his kitty

let me start off by saying that we have 4 pets; 2 dogs and 2 cats. smith loves all our pets, but there is some kind of secret bond between smith and simon. smith adores simon, simon tolerates smith.  

when simon comes into the room, something lights up in smith and he walks/crawls towards him. simon will lay on the floor and smith will tackle simon and just lay on him. simon doesn't seem to mind this at all; he actually seems to enjoy it.

smith will rub his face in his fur (we're glad he's not allergic), pull his ears, pull his tail, feet, whiskers, basically anything that he can get his little hands on. simon just lays there and take it like a champ. when simon is sick of it, it just leaves rather than biting him.

i've never met a kid that likes cats this much and i've never met a cat that puts up with kids the way simon does. if we have all the pets in one room, he will always go to simon first.

when smith was first born and we brought him home, we hung out with smith mostly in our bedroom which is upstairs. simon refused to come up the stairs for the first 2 months that smith was there. once he warmed up to smith, it was a love that could not be broke.

i hope these two remain friends throughout the rest of simons life. maybe they will come up with a way to make cats live forever, cause the idea of that kitty leaving our family is a rough subject.

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