
Friday, February 21, 2014

Animal crackers in my soup

I'm not sure why that song gets in my head whenever I think of Smith eating solid food, but it just does.

When Smith was about 4 months old we tried to give him oatmeal and it did not go over well. We tried for about 2 weeks and it was nothing but an uphill battle. The internet, aka: the all knowing, said he should be ready since most kids are ready by 4 months old. I thought something was wrong and I asked about it at his 4 month check-up. The Dr. said he isn't ready and that all kids do things when they are good and ready. For example: Smith was rolling over (back to stomach, stomach to back) by 3 months old. Most babies aren't at this stage at this age. He was also doing babbling and was very alert at 2 weeks and I guess this isn't always normal either. However, he isn't quite sitting up on his own yet (at 6 months) and has zero interest in crawling. Anyways, my Dr. told me to wait a little white before giving him solids and he also advised me of a recent study that showed kids who start solids too early can end up with a gluten intolerance. So we continued with a bottle and things went back to normal.

About 3-4 weeks ago, Smith started waking up a lot more during the night. He was up 3-4 times a night and every time he wanted to eat. Craig and I were exhausted and weren't sure why he was acting up all the sudden since he had always been a good sleeper. We tried to feed him oatmeal cereal again, but he wasn't having it. We gave up and a friend and my brother mentioned that there were flavors that we could try and he might like those better (praise to all parents who know this stuff already and care to share their wisdom). We bought banana and the kid loves it! He is now sleeping through the night and he is a much, much happier baby.

After this experience, I put a giant mental sticky note in my brain that says, "they will do things when they are ready. Every kid is different".

I have a feeling there are going to be more messy faced pictures. 

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