
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

6 months+updates

I really should start posting more about other things besides Smith, but what can I say?! I love this little man of ours.

Smith turned 6 months on the 22 of February. It's crazy how fast time is going by and it doesn't seem to slow down. ever.
Smith is still doing great as ever. These last 6 months have taught me a lot about myself and what I can really handle as human being. I used to be the mom that would slightly glare at the mother with a screaming child, but now I understand and give them a little smile of, "I know the feeling, hang in there" because I know how that is. It's hard to have a screaming baby in the middle of Target and everyone is looking at you like, "Hey, shut that kid up", but there is only so much a mother can do for a teething baby that has been good all day, but he has finally had it and wants to be held and go to sleep, but you're in the middle of Target and you can't do that until you get everything you need. It's tough.

Sometimes when Smith is screaming, he is doing just that; screaming. Not crying or fussing, just screaming. He's recently found how loud he can get his voice to go and he likes to test it everywhere we go. He sometimes sounds like a little girl screaming, but I assure you, I have a boy. He thinks it's hilarious and so do I. I also find it embarrassing when I realize I'm screaming with him and the teenage boy down the isle is looking at me like I've gone bananas. Kids make you do that. You forget you're around other people and you just start playing with your baby because it's fun. No one else will get that unless you have kids.

Smith is still growing like a weed. He's 16 lbs 8 oz (25th percentile) and 28 inches (90th percentile). This means he will be tall and skinny. We're already finding this an issue when it comes to pants. Finding pants for a baby that is tall and skinny is impossible. All pants for boys are made for chubby babies and it's frustrating. I've almost started to buy him girl pants because they're the only thing that fits him, but I haven't ventured down the path of my baby turning into an emo-boy-playing-a-guitar-hair-in-face route just yet. I might wait a few years to see if Carters, Children's Place or any other baby clothing store will make pants for non-chubby babies.

He's still not crawling. He just rolls to where he wants to go. He's putting weight on his legs and does a really good job of supporting himself, but he still has no interest in crawling.

We now have a new babysitter! Our sister-in-law, Drea (Craig's brothers wife) is now watching him and we were thrilled when she said she could watch him. He just started going there and we're already very pleased with this arrangement. I received this picture from her on his first day with her:
How happy does that kid look?! It was a huge relief to see this picture knowing that Smith was surviving and that Drea was surviving as well. We love Auntie Drea!

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you've seen this video already, but watch it again because it's funny and cute! 

This is Smith trying a pickle for the first time:

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