
Thursday, April 10, 2014


>>working on our backyard patio. We dug out the area and laid the gravel and now it just sits. We still need to clean up the dirt from digging out the area, but both Craig and I have been too lazy to care at this point. Besides, the dogs are enjoying having an endless dirt pile that they can dig in without Craig and I getting upset. Maybe we will just keep those damn dirt piles.

>>not being able to buy the pavers for our said patio because our truck broke and it wiped us clean in the financial department. We always save our pennies for fun projects, but then life likes to hit us square in the face and say, "give me all your money!". Why life? WHY?!

>>finally fixing our said truck and having it work like a champ. We were bad car owners and swept the issues it was having under the rug and now I'm wondering why we did that...oh yeah, we wanted a freaking patio.

>>Smith hating his carseat a little more everyday and how I'm dreading going to Goblin Valley this weekend with him. 3.5 hours with a baby who hates his carseat + driving through  Spanish Fork Canyon with a trailer = bring me all the drugs to calm these nerves.

>>watching Desperate Housewives every night when I get home. So predictable and such bad acting, but, oh, how I love it.

>>wasting my time inside watching Desperate Housewives instead of enjoying the amazing weather we've been having. I really should take the dogs to the park, but why waste the time when they have a backyard they can run in? I'm lazy I tell you! Down right lazy. I spend the last 6+ months complaining that we can't go outside because it's too cold and how badly I just want to be outside at the park, with my dogs, and my baby and now that I can do it, I don't. I will regret this when it's 100 degrees outside.

>>I'm terribly excited for all the snow cone stands to open. I see they are being set up, but they're not open yet. Why must they tease me like this? Just gimme the snow cones!

>>attempting to stop drinking soda several times in the last 2 months and failing. My job sometimes gives me lousy headaches so I need caffeine to calm my head. Then, Costco has a sale on their giant-ass packs of soda and I buy 3. I can't waste them, so I must drink them. All.of.them.

>>going to dinner with an old friend. this can either be awkward, or it can be wonderful. Dinner with her was the ladder. I love being able to just sit and talk with someone, they accept you and all your awkwardness that makes you, you, and you can just laugh like you see each other all the time, but the fact is, you haven't seen this person is years. You talk, but you don't see them, you know? I loved it. It was grand and Smith quite enjoyed her company.

>>friends had babies recently and other friends announced their pregnancies with their 2nd or 3rd kid. For some reason, this really bums me out. I get jealous of my friends that just had their babies because that moment when you and your loved one become parents ad you're trying to figure it all out, it's astounding. I miss it, but I don't because I seriously do not like newborns. Give me a baby at two months old and I'll take it. I also get bummed out when someone announces their pregnant, again. I feel like I'm behind in the baby making process and I also loved being pregnant. I miss it, but I think I can wait for it to happen again, if it happens again.

>>this kind of milk coma is the best kind.


  1. K, so here is the financial history of our marriage, which I'm posting on the internet, which may not be wise. But I may not be either.

    -Drew and I save about $2000 in our first few months of marriage. Then we get scammed by some jack A on KSL and lose a lot of it. We basically start over.

    -We save money for a down payment on the house. We basically start over.

    -We save about as much as our down payment, and the furnace breaks. AND we need to register our cars AND other things! We start over.

    -We save, and then we refinance our house which we end up losing money on. And we have to get all of the insurances. Oh, and our cars need registered again.

    So...basically we just aren't meant to have any money. That's all that I can conclude from this situation.

    Also, knowing you should be outside but just sitting on your bed watching TV? That is my life. It's just....easier. And thanks for including our dinner date. It was so much fun. Unless that wasn't actually me and you go on other cooler dates with people all of the time. In that case...k, see ya!

    1. It's so frustrating! Right when I feel like we're in a good spot financially, something happens. #FWP

      Since I never go outside and don't hangout with anyone besides my husband and Smith, the dinner date was most definitely with you.
