
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

7 months

On Saturday, March 22, Smith turned 7 months old. We celebrated by taking an impromptu photo-shoot. Here are the pictures that we took:

This session took place in our basement with a some poster/mat board and a wood grain banner that i had custom made through Banner Buzz. You can buy banners similar to the wood grain one on Etsy, but they can get expensive. I was able to have this one done for about $25 and it has been worth every penny.

Obviously my photography need some improvement, but I feel I'm getting better every time I pick up my camera. Practice makes perfect, right?

Also, I want to say how hard it was to find that white button-up-collared shirt. We have searched nearly every baby store in Utah County for one of those damn shirts and we came up empty handed. You would think with Easter being right around the corner that there would be dress shirts for boys everywhere, but no. You can find a million dresses for girls, but nothing "dress-up" for boys. What. the. hell. I was getting pretty irate about this because all I wanted was a white shirt for him. After about a month of searching, I gave up the battle and looked online. To add fuel to the fire, I couldn't find one online that a.) was his size, b.) looked ugly as hell, c.) didn't have some stupid phrase like, "mommies little lamb" written on it (seriously, why do kids clothing have to say something on it? Simplicity is best baby clothes makers), or d.) wasn't expensive. Finally, I found this number at in their clearance section. It didn't even come up when I searched "white button shirt". Kind of annoying Carters. Luckily, it's slightly too big so it has some growing room. I'm so looking forward to the day it doesn't fit him anymore and I have to go on the hunt again for another one. *epic sigh*.

Happy seven months of life, little man!

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